Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Life expectations pt. 1 ''What do we expect of life?''

Really? What are your life expectations?
This is a question that right now, I can't fully answer.
I'm fifteen. I have life goals. But, are they gonna become reality? - I don't know. Are they worth the risk? Absoulutely and completely - Yes.
I don't know what will life bring to me, but what I know is that I will give 100% of me to make it the way I want it to be. There's a quote that says : ''She believed she could, so she did.''
I want to be that 'she'. I believe in myself, my dreams, my goals, and so should you!
Through the day we are busy with reality, we try to focus on what's in front of us, but at the end of the day, we think about goals. about life, about future...
Are we willing to risk everything for the purpose of having a life from our dreams?
That is the question that I know for my self -Yes.
I'm willing to work hard, pray, and - dream. :)
My life is not even close to perfect, let me tell you, but I want to make it close to perfect - not entirely perfect because, it may sound cheesy but you know this one - Perfection is imperfection. :)

Part 2. coming soon :)

Good luck!
the Girl in the Red Coat

Serbian / Srpski

Stvarno? Koja su vaša životna očekivanja?
Ovo je pitanje koje trenutno ne mogu odgovoriti u potpunosti.
Imam petnaest godina. Imam životne ciljeve. Ali, da li će postati stvarnost? - Ne znam. Da li su vrijedni rizika? Apsolutno i u potpunosti - Da.
Ne znam šta će mi život donijeti, sve što znam je da ću dati 100% mene da napravim zivot kakav bih ja željela da bude.  Postoji taj citat koji kaže : ''Ona je vjerovala da može, pa je to i uradila.''
Želim da budem ta 'Ona'. Vjerujem u sebe, moje snove, ciljeve, trebao/la bi i ti!
Tokom dana smo zauzeti realnošću, pokušavamo da se fokusiramo na stvari ispred nas, ali na kraju dana razmišljamo o ciljevima, životu, budućnosti...
Jesmo li voljni da rizikujemo sve da bi imali život iz naših snova?
Na ovo pitanje mogu odgovoriti za sebe - Da.
Spremna sam da radim mnogo, da se molim i vjerujem i - da sanjam. :)
Moj život nije savršen, da vam kažem, ali želim da ga napravim blizu savršenog - ne skroz savršenog, zato što, možda zvuči kliše ali znate ovo - Savršenstvo je u nesavršenstvu. :)

Drugi dio uskoro :)

the Girl in the Red Coat

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Time Helps, time heals...

There's a time in our lives when we start loving someone...For the first time. We just do, it's not about the age, it's about feelings. When we love someone, and the love is not getting back from that person, we are in pain. I, personally cry, a lot. I can't and I don't want to hide it. When the situation is like that, I'm in pain, and it's oh so hard. But we may find another person, start to like that someone, and just, just forget about the old love. But no, oblivion is a harsh word. We don't forget, we just learn to live with it, to live with pain. We never stop loving, ever. We just find someone else to love, who just happens to love us back. :)

So if you want to cry, cry. If you want to celebrate, celebrate...
Find that someone special, that makes YOU feel special every, single day. :)

And good luck!

the Girl in the Red Coat


Vrijeme pomaže, vrijeme liječi

Postoji vrijeme u našim životima kada počnemo da volimo nekog...Po prvi put. Jednostavno počnemo, nisu bitne godine, bitna su osjećanja. Kada nekog volimo, i tu ljubav ne dobijamo nazad od te osobe, boli nas. Ja, ja plačem, mnogo. Ali možda nađemo neku drugu osobu, ta osoba počne da nam se sviđa, i tako, jednostavno, zaboravimo na staru ljubav. Ali ne, zaborav je gruba riječ. Ne zaboravljamo, samo naučimo da živimo sa tim...Da živimo sa bolom. Nikad ne prestajemo voljeti nekoga, ikad. Samo nađemo nekog drugog koga volimo, i koji se zadesi da i nas voli. :)
Zato, ako želite da plačete, isplačite se. Ako zelite da slavite, slavite.
Nađite nekog posebnog, ko čini VAS posebnim, svakog dana. :)

I srećno!

S ljubavlju,
the Girl in the Red Coat

Monday, January 5, 2015

On difficulties of today's relationships

Two people, they can be in a relationship, or they aren't, like me and that boy, and there can be problems, then, there can be some misunderstandings...

You can solve a problem, but a misunderstanding - it's difficult.
Why, you ask?
Because if you mention and try to solve a misunderstanding, there occurs a new, bigger problem, that may not be solved...

the Girl in the Red Coat 

Serbian / Srpski

''O teškoćama u današnjim vezama''

Dvoje ljudi mogu biti u vezi, a i ne moraju, kao taj dečko i ja, i mogu postojati problemi, i mogu postojati nesporazumi...

Problem se lako riješi, ali nesporazum teško.
Zašto, pitate?
Jer ako pomenete i pokušate ra riješite nesporazum, tu nastaje novi, još veći problem, koji se možda neće riješiti...

S ljubavlju,
the Girl in the Red Coat